Partnership for Local Authorities & Regions

This partnership pack is designed for local authorities, regions, city authorities and municipalities both in the EU countries and non-EU countries. This partnership pack gives access to state-of-the-art research and participation in a dynamic forum for networking and exchanging ideas. We support our partners with all means of networking art. By our networking activities, our partners get the chance to cooperate with other local authorities, to create joint programs, to develop projects and exchange of ideas.

EU Lobbying
More or less 240 local and regional authorities are represented in different ways in Brussels either through their own individual representation, through their association with other regions or through their integration within structures of Member State representations. More than a thousand people are working every day in Brussels to promote their entities and defend their interests on several domains (structural funds, tourism, innovation, etc). Legally, only Member States are contractual parties to the European Union. However, other local authorities may also benefit from that unique network by means of effective lobbying. ECOPNET guide staffs of the regional and city authorities on all relevant issues in Brussels with regard to lobbying.

EU Events
We keep our partners updated about events related to the EU policies and EU affairs in Brussels. We do also organize and coordinate roundtable meetings, conferences, panels, trainings and many other events for our corporate partners. Our partners are always invited for any ECOPNET event.

Projects & EU Funding
We guide our partners to better fulfil EU requirements in their projects and operations. We do also support our partners to take part in EU projects and to create international consortiums. EU funding opportunities are always much easier for ECOPNET partners to access.

ECCPN Certification
European Cities Cooperation and Partnership Network (ECCPN) is an initiative introduced by ECOPNET. We help our partner cities & local authorities to become a part of this network and to get ECCPN certificates for their projects. More information about this network can be found on our booklets. To see our booklets please contact us.

Become a Partner Now!
For more information about our partnership packs, terms and conditions, please contact us at info@ecopnet.com