European Green Deal: Commission presents actions to boost organic production
8th Environment Action Programme: EU Member States ready to start negotiations
New system to facilitate and accelerate approval of adapted vaccines against COVID-19
Safe and resilient forests: Commission works for wildfire prevention
European Commission reinforces transparency and approval mechanism for exports of COVID-19 vaccines
Brussels+ Experience Sharing on EU Institutions by Alumni of the College of Europe
EU provides €500,000 in emergency funding for victims of Cox's Bazar fire in Bangladesh
Commission seeks input on a new anti-coercion instrument
Health Technology Assessment: Council agrees its negotiating position
The Commission adopted the first annual work programme of Erasmus+ with over a €28 billion budget
European Innovation Council to help turn scientific ideas into breakthrough innovations
New action plan has been proposed by Commission to uphold child rights and support children in need
European travel information and authorisation system (ETIAS): New rules accessing databases
Coronavirus: European Commission presents the Digital Green Certificate
International Anti-Racism Day: Respect human rights to rebuild our societies in all their diversity
Commission gives additional €9 billion under SURE instrument to seven Member States
Conference on the Future of Europe: Build a more resilient Europe
Commission launches a new €1 billion package to finance customs controls
EU to set up new European Partnerships and invest nearly €10 billion
EU to invest €150 million for research to counter coronavirus variants
Coronavirus: preparing Europe for the increased threat of variants
State aid: Commission approves €2.9 billion public support for battery value chain
Agreement Reached on the 2021-2027 European Social Fund+
A New Agenda For The Mediterranean: EU and Southern Neighbourhood