Partnerships for Non-Profit Organizations
(NPOs & NGOs)

Our partnership packs are designed for NPOs and NGOs as well as foundations, institutions and representation. Under this partnership module, our partners may access to ECOPNET’s unique network. We support our partners with all means of networking art. Our partners are always kept informed about different networking bubbles in Brussels. We support our partners to collaborate and promote European values and to create a European identity within a very prestigious network.

Guidance & Projects
We guide our partners to better fulfil EU requirements in their activities and operations. We also work closely with other NPOs & NGOs, universities, unions, chambers, councils, public and private actors. Our partners are effectively guided for their existing and future operations. We help our partners to restructure and reorganize in Brussels and throughout Europe. We provide them with operational guidance. We do also support our partners to take part in EU funded projects and to create international consortiums. EU funding opportunities are always much easier for ECOPNET partners to access.

Human Resources
ECOPNET has a broad network. This network include many individuals with different nationalities and backgrounds. Our partners may reach ECOPNET’s database of individuals for their highly qualified HR needs, subject to the data protection rules and the relevant legislations. We also have close contacts with universities having higher degree programs for European studies as well as their career offices.

Stay Informed
Foundations, universities, NGOs and NPOs in our network with the aim of promoting an informed and balanced debate on European affairs, obtaining independent insights into the debate on various political issues and advancing the debate by providing input themselves. ECOPNET also offers a higher level Prime Partnership to corporate and institutional partners who choose to become more deeply involved in our research programmes and debates and engage in discussion about their policy interests with our network of experts. Our partners are also provided with monthly newsletters to keep them informed about critical issues and most up-to-date EU agenda. More information upon request.

Legal & Administrative Assistance
We help our partners to find right contact in Brussels network on their legal issues. They are effectively guided for their legal and administrative work to be done in Brussels and/or at the EU level.

EU Policy Making
In the EU structure, European NGOs and NPOs are actively participating to the EU policy making procedures. EU lobbying is a key for NGOs and NPOs to succeed their goals and it really works in the EU if you are within the correct, transparent and qualified network. ECOPNET helps its NGOs and NPO partners that have become essential actors especially in the social field, to better work and effect EU policies. ECOPNET’s partners are easily able to engage in regular dialogue with public authorities with a view to ensuring better implementation of EU initiatives and policies in the EU countries and more.

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
EU institutions and civil society collaborate through a structured dialogue, thanks to the specific tools. Civil society organisations are crucial development partners as they are the closest to the populations on the ground and thus best placed to know their needs. ECOPNET’s partners who are active within the European civil society include independent actors, organised on a not-for-profit and voluntary basis, and active in different fields, such as poverty reduction, emergency aid, human rights, refugees, environment etc. ECOPNET partners are truly guided and supported to be an effective civil society actor by programs, workshops, newsletters, formal & informal meetings, events etc. We reinforce regional, European and global networks of CSOs and support them to enhance their contribution to governance and development processes.

Human Rights & Human Dignity
There are two main streams of human rights policy and action within the European Union. One is to protect the fundamental human rights for EU citizens, and the other is to promote human rights worldwide. ECOPNET deals with both as well. We are promoting the rights of men, women, children, minorities and displaced persons and opposing the death penalty, torture, human trafficking and any kind of discrimination. Patient rights, right to privacy, humiliation studies, gender studies, disarmament initiatives are also supported and promoted by ECOPNET’s network. We are defending civil, political, democratic, economic, social and cultural rights defending human rights through active partnership with our partners, international and regional organisations, groups and associations, networks and foundations, including the actors of non-EU states. We also support human rights & human dignity initiatives worldwide based on EU policies and tools. Our network pays special attention to human rights & dignity affairs and we work hard with our partners to promote human rights in European and all over the globe, therefore universities, institutes, NGOs, NPOs and CSOs working in this field have special privileges within ECOPNET.

We work closely with organisations and public authorities in the field of education. Our partners in the field of education will get their needs for support, funding and policy-making in the field of European and global education at all levels.

Academic & Scientific Cooperation
With our powerful expertise in the field of international academic and scientific cooperation, ECOPNET effectively supports its partners through calls for proposals, innovative projects, scholarships, programs and other tools promoting international academic and scientific cooperations and partnerships. Science diplomacy concept is one of the major expertise of ECOPNET and therefore NGOs, NPOs, foundations, CSOs, universities and other relevant organisations wishing to access all they need in this field may become our partner without hesitation.

Cultures & Diversity
We offer specially designed cultural diplomacy tools for our partners to promote European identity, peace, partnerships, international common interests, European values, diversity and cultures.

Become a Partner Now!
For more information about our partnership packs, terms and conditions, please contact us at info@ecopnet.com