The Conference on the Future of Europe Plenary session on 8-9 April debated concrete proposals.

The Chairs and spokespersons of nine Working Groups tabled consolidated draft proposals, grouped by theme, to the Conference Plenary. The proposals, were mainly based on the recommendations of European Citizens’ Panels, as well as national panels, and enriched by ideas from the Multilingual Digital Platform, and discussed by all Plenary Members.
MEPs said the Conference is an unprecedented exercise in openness and democracy, praising the work of European citizens during the process. They pledged that the European Parliament will make sure that the citizens’ proposals are taken seriously. Many MEPs agreed with the request by citizens for a Treaty change and called for a convention to discuss it.
A number of MEPs suggested strengthening the European Parliament’s powers as a way to get citizens more involved in EU decision-making. They specifically highlighted giving the EP the right to budgetary initiative, the right to scrutinize the executive through a committee of inquiry, and fully-fledged competence in the field of foreign and security policy as key demands. MEPs also called for schools to include education for children in European values, democracy and history, and how the EU functions.
With regard to different policy areas, MEPs called for a stronger health care system guaranteeing a minimum level of health care, and equal access to digitalisation for all citizens regardless of where in the EU they live. They also highlighted the importance of a strong social dimension as part of the green transition, and the promotion of language learning and cultural and linguistic diversity.
Recordings of the plenary sessions by topic are available on the following links:
European Democracy
Values and rights, rule of law, security
Education, culture, youth
Stronger economy, social justice and jobs
Climate change and the environment
EU in the World
Digital Transformation
You can watch recordings from the Working Group meetings on the Parliament’s Multimedia Centre. Next steps The final Conference Plenary session is scheduled for 29-30 April in Strasbourg, where proposals are expected to be approved by the Plenary on a consensual basis. The Conference’s Executive Board will include these proposals in the Conference’s final report, which will be delivered to the Presidents of the EU institutions on 9 May in Strasbourg, at the ceremony that will bring the Conference to a close.
Source: European Parliament