The Commission has adopted new rules to upgrade the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR), a cooperation mechanism for exchanging information among authorities responsible for managing the EU’s external borders, on 9 April.
A Regulation to facilitate coordination within and between Member States to prevent and tackle serious crime
New elements introduced by the Regulation include:
Easier and more secure information exchange: the Regulation standardises the information that needs to be included in the situational pictures and in the various reports, making information exchange easier for all the parties involved. It also sets up an independent Security Accreditation Board composed of experts from Member States and from the Commission, to assess the security of the relevant systems and networks where EUROSUR data are exchanged, making the exchange of information more secure and reliable.
More effective reporting: Member States will report on any situation having an impact on the EU external borders via monthly report and case-to-case alerts. This will include reports on illicit trafficking, seizure of drugs, weapons and explosives, as well as on cross-border crimes including cases of abductions. These reports will allow the preparation of more accurate risk analysis, improving Member States’ ability to react. Reports will not contain data to identify individual persons. Any exchange of data will continue to take place in respect of EU and national data protection rules.
Reporting on Search and Rescue activities: In addition to existing obligations under international law, Member States will have to report incidents and operations related to Search and Rescue, this will contribute to better detection of migrant people in danger and help save their lives.
Improved cooperation with third countries: Cooperation with third countries is essential to protect EU internal borders. The Regulation contains rules for establishing and sharing specific situational pictures with third countries and third parties, in order to specify the exchange of information and set up mutually beneficial operational cooperation.
ECOPNET (European Cooperation and Partnership Network) appreciates this initiative by the European Commission and welcomes the enhanced cooperation with Frontex.
EUROSUR provides border guards, coast guards, police, customs and navies with an up-to-date and exhaustive picture of the situation at the EU’s external borders. It allows Member States to exchange information with one another, with Frontex and with neighbouring countries. It plays an important role in the management of the EU’s external borders, helping to detect and fight serious crime such as drug trafficking and trafficking in human beings, and contributing to saving lives at sea.
The European Border Surveillance system (EUROSUR) was established in 2013 by the first Eurosur Regulation. The 2019 Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard repeals the first EUROSUR Regulation to better encompassed EUROSUR in the daily functioning of the European Border and Coast Guard composed of FRONTEX and the national authorities of Member States involved in Border Management.
Source: European Commission Migration and Home Affairs