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New European Bauhaus Conference: Prizes Launched

Writer's picture: ECOPNET ECOPNET

Applications are now open for the first New European Bauhaus prizes, launched by Commissioner Ferreira and Commissioner Gabriel at the project’s conference last week.

The ten prize categories – from 'products and lifestyle', to ‘reinvented places to meet and share’ –are all themed around the core pillars of the initiative: sustainability, quality of experience, and inclusion.

Following the launch of the initiative’s co-design phase in January, the New European Bauhaus prizes will celebrate excellent examples to help inspire the project that was first announced by President Ursula von der Leyen during her 2020 State of the Union address.

For each of the ten categories there will also be a specific 'New European Bauhaus Rising Stars' strand, open to under-30s. The idea is to support and encourage the younger generation to continue developing new ideas and exciting concepts.

The application period is open until 31 May 2021. Both EU and non-EU nationals can apply, as long as their concepts, ideas and projects are actually developed or physically located in the EU.

An evaluation committee will first assess the eligibility of all entries. There will then be an online public vote, open to all New European Bauhaus newsletter subscribers. A jury made up of New European Bauhaus official partner organisations will then assess the three projects with the most votes under each category and strand before the prizes are awarded.

Winners will receive cash prizes as well as support to spread the message about their project.

Sustainable, distinctive, and beautiful architecture and its impacts are as important for culture as they are for fighting climate change. The New European Bauhaus, launched by the European Commission, is a unique and genuine opportunity to ensure that standards are met on all fronts all the while ensuring that a new era of distinctive European architecture is started. ECOPNET (European Cooperation and Partnership Network) believes that the importance of the New European Bauhaus is equal to that of other projects by the European Commission and we highly encourage our partners to take part in this new exciting event.

'Beautiful. Sustainable. Together': the New European Bauhaus Conference

The prizes were launched during a New European Bauhaus conference last week, which brought together leading thinkers and practitioners from around the world to share their visions and have a conversation on the way forward for the New European Bauhaus. About 8,000 people from more than 85 countries took part in the virtual event.

The Conference was opened by President von der Leyen; European Parliament President, David Sassoli; and Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, on behalf of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Other speakers included politician and philanthropist, Michael Bloomberg, grassroots activist and founder of shack dwellers international, Sheela Patel, climate scientist John Schellnhuber, architect Shigeru Ban and other members of the high-level roundtable of experts for the initiative.

The event was moderated by Francesca Bria, President of the Italian National Innovation Fund, and architect Bjarke Ingels.

Over the two afternoons, the speakers explored issues like how to make the New European Bauhaus a driver for hope and change, and how the project can act as a bridge between art and technology in a global world. Participants also had the opportunity to react to the discussions and ask questions.

A common thread throughout the conversations was the recognition that:

  • the multiple, complex challenges we face today – from climate change to the coronavirus pandemic - place our societies and economies at a critical junction;

  • by acting together, we can build a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive future.

The New European Bauhaus can help to drive those transformations and provide a platform for us to reshape the world we want to live in together.

Source: European Commission Science Hub News


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