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The EU Needs Regional Expertise to Increase the Resilience of Its Bridges and Energy Networks

Writer's picture: ECOPNET ECOPNET

The European Committee of the Regions' (CoR) commission for Natural Resources (NAT) met on 19 May to discuss the role of cities and regions in the resilience of critical entities. Through a draft opinion adopted by the Commission, members stressed the need to consult local and regional authorities in this field and called on EU institutions to include the CoR in the new European Critical Entities Resilience Group. A draft opinion on the New Consumer Agenda was also adopted during the meeting.

Critical infrastructures such as bridges, ports and dams, which ensure the proper functioning of the energy and transport sectors, as well as the resilience of the entities operating them, are essential for the functioning of our societies and economy. Therefore, the NAT commission welcomed the European Commission's initiative to create a Critical Entities Resilience Group, composed of representatives of the Member States and of the Commission itself. The creation of the group, which was included in the new directive proposal put forward by the Commission in December 2020, aims at evaluating resilience strategies of critical entities and promoting the exchange of best practices in research, development and the identification of both cross-border and cross-sectoral dependencies.

Local and regional authorities are the ones that better know the territory and have major responsibilities with regard to protecting the area in which these infrastructures are located. Hence, the CoR is proposing to be part of the Critical Entities Resilience Group as an observer, representing the concerns of local and regional authorities and contributing with its own wealth of expertise and knowledge built up on the ground.

On 16 December 2020, the Commission presented a proposal for a directive on the resilience of critical entities that covers ten sectors, namely energy, transport, banking, financial market infrastructures, health, drinking water, waste water, digital infrastructure, public administration and space. As ECOPNET (European Cooperation and Partnership Network) we emphasize that good functioning of the internal market depends on the reliable provision of services for the transportation and energy sectors.

Mario Guarente (IT/ECR), Mayor of Potenza and rapporteur of the opinion on the Resilience of Critical Entities, stated that "it is imperative that critical infrastructures are adequately protected against a wide spectrum of threats, be they natural or man-made, unintentional or with malicious intent. To this end, critical entities must be resilient wherever and whenever disruptions appear. In this regard, communication and information on risks should be promoted amongst local administrations and inhabitants of the territories concerned, and attention must be paid to the current condition of the existing physical infrastructures in order to either define adequate upgrading programs or new constructions. Local and regional authorities have a central role in drawing up resilience strategies and need to be involved."

During a separate debate on the draft opinion on the New Consumer Agenda, members discussed the importance of protecting consumers' rights. Consumer protection tools must take full account of the major challenges facing the European economy, such as the COVID-19 crisis, the green transition, digital transformation, globalisation and the emerging specific needs of certain vulnerable consumers. Members agreed that providing transparent and clear information on the durability, reparability and social and environmental footprints of products is crucial to allow consumers to take informed and conscious choices. Local and regional authorities, in cooperation with consumer organizations and local businesses, have a relevant role to play.

Both draft opinions were adopted during the meeting and will stand for final adoption during the plenary session in July and October 2021, respectively.

Source: European Committee of Regions News


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